Author: Maddix Mark A. and James Riley Estep Jr. 2017.
Publish by:  Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic.
Reviewed by: Rev. Dr. John Littleton – –

A beginner’s delight! So many essentials in 182 pages! Those who are starting in their vocation of teaching within parishes will find this publication easy to access, holistic, comprehensive and biblically based. The authors write: “Education results in learning.” “Christian education forms an environment wherein believers are instructed, equipped, and nurtured for a life of faith in the real world.” Many very useful educational insights and collaborative learning processes are clearly outlined, including sections or chapters on “Learning to be a Christian,” “Christian Formation,” “Developmental Theory,” “Life Span Development,” “Teaching for Discipleship,” “Your Congregation as a Learning Organization” and “Leading and Administering Christian Education.” The authors reference some Learning Community literature in the chapter on “Christian Education and Church Health.” Practicing Christian Education is an essential additional resource for theological college and parish libraries.

Strong on learning processes the authors provide some ways of recognizing or assessing learning outcomes through feedback. Readers are provided with reflection questions at the end of each chapter and within the text. Easily accessible diagrams and tables throughout the publication promote reflective learning. The power of learning recognition and feedback to enhance learning outcomes should not be underestimated. Self-reporting is one effective form of feedback.

Prepared by John Littleton 24/3/2018 for information, with an interest in the transcendence of Christian discipleship formation in parishes.