Some of the titles available in the Adelaide Theological Library Reference collection:
- Anchor Bible Dictionary [220.3 A539]
- New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible [220.3 N532.S]
- Oxford Encyclopedia of the Books of the Bible [220.3 O98.C]
- Dictionary of New Testament Backgrounds [225.3 D554.E]
- Dictionary of the later New Testament and its developments [225.3 D554]
- Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels [225.3 D554.G]
- New International Dictionary of New Testament theology [225.3 N532.B]
- Theological dictionary of the New Testament [225.3 T392]
- Exegetical dictionary of the New Testament [225.48 E96.Z]
- Dictionary of Paul and his letters [227 D554]
- Who’s who in the New Testament [225.92 B885w]
- Westminster dictionary of New Testament and Early Christian Literature and Rhetoric / edited D. Aune, 2003 [270.103 A926w]